Sunday, January 4, 2009

Lung Cancer

Transfer factor in the treatment of carcinoma of the lung.
Kirsh MM; Orringer MB; McAuliffe S; Schork MA; Katz B; Silva J Jr
Ann Thorac Surg, 1984 Aug, 38:2, 140-5
From 1976 to 1982, 63 patients with carcinoma of the lung underwent curative pulmonary resection, mediastinal lymph node dissection, and postoperative mediastinal irradiation when indicated. After operation, the patients were randomized by cell type and stage of disease into two groups. Beginning 1 month postoperatively, Group 1 patients (N = 28) received 1 ml of transfer factor that had been extracted from the blood of normal individuals. Subsequent doses were administered at 3-month intervals. Group 2 patients (N = 35) served as controls. There were no significant differences between the two groups with respect to age, sex, extent of resection, histological cell type, or stage of disease. Twenty of the 28 treated patients were alive and free from disease from 7 to 77 months after treatment, whereas 17 of the 35 control patients were free from disease. The 1-year survival for Group 1 was 84% and for Group 2, 81%. The 2-year survival was 78% for Group 1 and 46% for Group 2 (p = 0.045). The survival rates by stage of disease were as follows: Stage I, 15 out of 17 or 88% in Group 1 and 15 out of 23 or 65% in Group 2 (p = 0.097); Stages II and III, 5 out of 11 or 45% in Group 1 and 3 out of 12 or 25% in Group 2 (p = 0.304). The results of the study suggest that the administration of transfer factor to patients who have undergone pulmonary resection for carcinoma of the lung can have a significant impact on the prolongation of life.

Randomized controlled trial of transfer factor immunochemotherapy as an adjunct to surgical treatment for primary adenocarcinoma of the lung.
Fujisawa T; Yamaguchi Y; Kimura H; Arita M; Shiba M; Baba M
Jpn J Surg, 1984 Nov, 14:6, 452-8
A total of 102 patients were studied in a randomized controlled trail to evaluate the clinical effect of transfer factor (TF) for primary resected adenocarcinoma of the lung. The TF and Control groups consisted of 50 and 52 randomly chosen patients, respectively. However, 6 and 5 patients were excluded from both groups for various reasons, therefore the total of cases eligible for evaluation were 44 and 47 in the TF and Control groups, respectively. The clinical features of both groups were similar. The survival of the TF group was significantly better than that of Controls in Stage I cases (p less than 0.05), however, there was no significant difference in patients in Stages II, III and IV. Significant differences were found between the TF and Control groups in curative resection cases (p less than 0.05), however, no significant difference was seen in either the relatively curative resection or noncurative resection groups. TF seems to inhibit postoperative recurrence and appears to be an effective postoperative adjuvant immunotherapeutic for primary resected adenocarcinoma of the lung, especially at the relatively early stages.

Adjuvant immunotherapy of primary resected lung cancer with transfer factor.
Fujisawa T; Yamaguchi Y; Kimura H; Arita M; Baba M; Shiba M
Cancer, 1984 Aug, 54:4, 663-9
One hundred seventy-one patients were studied in order to evaluate the clinical efficacy of the transfer factor (TF) for primary resected lung cancers under a randomized controlled trial. Eligible cases for evaluation were randomly chosen at 75 and 74 patients in TF and control groups, respectively. The same long-term intermittent adjuvant chemotherapy was administered to two groups as a standard therapy. The distribution of clinical features in both groups was very similar. The overall survival rates of the TF group at 2 and 4 years postoperatively were 69% and 53%, respectively, which was about 15% better than the control group, but this difference could not yet be considered statistically significant. The survival of the TF group was significantly better than that of the control group in patients with Stages I + II or curative resection (P less than 0.05 by Cox-Mantel test); however, there was no significant difference in patients with Stages III + IV, or noncurative resection. The recurrence rate of pulmonary and mediastinal regions was less in the TF group. In conclusion, TF seems to suppress postoperative recurrence and appears to be beneficial for primary resected lung cancer patients, especially at early stages, as postoperative adjuvant immunotherapy.


  1. Korang bahalol 4Life TF ni tak sekolah ke apa?
    Kajian yg ko copy-paste kat atas tu adalah berkenaan kegunaan TRANSFER FACTOR yg spesifik utk kajian masing-masing pengkaji terhadap penyakit tertentu, dan takde connection langsung dgn produk 4Life yg di jenama kan "transfer factor" oleh syarikat alkafirun tu...
    Korang nak aku femes kan kat blog aku ke dol?
    Gila babi menipu org betul nak cari makan gini...
    Islam ka dey? Atau agama 4Life?

  2. Encik Aidid yang kurang bahalol serta tolol. Siapa yang tulis kajian di atas dari 4Life. Anda tiada keterbukaan. Siapa anda untuk kami berbincang? Adakah anda punya degree atau master immunology, microbiology?
    Orang Islam yang mukmin tidak berbicara seperti anda. Saya kiram anda orang selam.

  3. Tuan tanah ni tak faham.... "produk yang dijenamakan sebagai TRANSFER FACTOR yang tiada kaitan langsung dengan molekul sebenar transfer factor yang dikaji oleh para penyelidik perubatan tersebut."....

  4. Yg yg dibuat di sini adalah misrepresentation tentang satu perkara lain yg dikiaskan kpd satu perkara lain demi utk buat bzns MLM lahanat bawaan David Lisonbee si Mormon dari Utah, MLM capital of the world. Org Melayu yg dungu akan terima kajian di blog korang ni sbg suatu perkara yg ada kait-mengait... sedangkan 4Life Transfer Factor tiada kaitan langsung dgn setiap butir kajian yg tertera di blog ini. Where did u go to school anyway? Benda basic sebegini pun nak di putar-belitkan. 4Life TF dalah penipuan terang2an yg mmg famous di seluruh dunia. Ko mmg nak cari makan drpd dakyah alkfirun sebegini? Seriously?

    Yes.. aku ada degree dlm perkara hal yg merangkumi immunology, microbiology, virology, medical, pathology, surgery, O & G, paediatric, etc... Who the fuck do u think I am?

    Orang mukmin kepala hotak engkau! Kalau ko org kafir pun aku akan kejar, inikan pulak ko org Melayu yg nak ngencing org Melayu lain...
    U messed with the wrong guy missus...

  5. Should I troll here? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA

    And give you hits you don't deserver? HAHAHAHAHAHHAH

    Seriously bitch, be careful with the big C. I've caught a person who commented about MLM products that cure the big C and haven't heard from him since.

    The above offer applies to you too. Again, don't you mess with the big C when you know nothing about it.

  6. Aiyooo ini orang...die tau tak amende yang die cut and paste nih.
    Kalau Aidid takde sume Ijazah yang tuan tanah cakap tu pun, ramai lagi orang macam saya yang akan pissed off dengan bende2 camni. Kononnya nak buat blog pasal TF. Murni la tu...pastu try nak kaitkan TF dengan ceramah2 4 Life.
    Pastu cakap 4life tu ade molekul dewa yang boleh ubat sume bende...kat produk 4life tu pun dah ade disclaimer nak selamatkan diri masing2...apesal? Takut kaaaa?

  7. Setakat GP cabok berlagak Mr-Know-All.
    Apasal dah tak da patient ke yang dok ngadap komputer ni. Buatlah kerja yang lebih berfaedah dari duduk menyalak di laman ini.
    Banyak-banyakkan istighfar. Buat solat taubat.
    Kasihan umat-umat melayu yang diperbodohkan oleh Aidid MD.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. saya rasa la... apa yg Aidid kata tu make sense. Org melayu rata2 mmg kurang arif dalam bisnes... So, bila ada opportunity camni datang, mmg kita akan rasa mcm nak sambar and be the first on the boat. Tapi, kalau betul2 la kita kaji mana2 sistem MLM pon... memaaang banyak disadvantage dari advantage :( Coba la pikir kan betul2.... Bukan apa... dah banyak dah benda2 mcm ni in the past. Saya sendiri pon belajar (bukan menjual) thru experience.... At this point, Alhamdulillaah dah buleh menilai yg MLM is not a proper business model.... Ok. it is a business model, but it aint an honest one..... So, elok kalau nak buat biz, buat le cara lain.....

    Lagipon, MLM nye punch line (or any Skim Piramid) ialah money money money. Siap tunjuk gambar orang pegang duit banyak2 lagi. Somehow... I think this is not that consistent with Islam... [or maybe any other ORIGINAL Abrahamic faith...]. Buat benda mmg patut kerana Allaah... tapi kalau dah promo nye pon gambar duit RM50 ber kepuk2 mcm selalu kita nampak kat FB tu... tah ke mcm dah bertuhan kan duit tu? (bertuhankan secara tak sedaaar). Anywayz, ini hanya pandangan saya. Bukan nak kow2 hantam blog owner. Harap faham where my point of view is coming from :)

    As for Aidid....
    kurangkan (or eliminate) mencarut bro. hehehehe. [ni bukan maraah. nasehaaat. BUT! I'm all for your cause bro!!!!!!]
